Nicknamed “The Show Stopper”, this kit is designed for the bike owner that takes everything to the extreme, has to have the best, and loves to show his bike off. This Kit supplies enough light to make any motorcycle a show bike. Add more L.E.D. strips at any time!
Kit Contains:
- CPU & Wireless Remote
- (4) 2 Inch FlexTech LED Strips
- (7) 4 Inch FlexTech LED Strips
- (4) 10 Inch FlexTech LED Strips
- (2) 15 Inch FlexTech LED Strips
- (4) 19 Inch FlexTech LED Strips
- (18) Y-Splitter Cables
Mounting hardware
- Features: A multicolor, three zone, Three line, plug-n-play CPU with wireless remote.
- 18 Flash Patterns (3 Music / Engine Thump Modes)
- 5 Speed Flash Driver
- 5 Levels of sound sensitivity
- 22 Colors, including million color mode & seven color mode.
- Secondary Power Up Option
Our New Fusion L.E.D. Systems are the most complete way to quickly customize your motorcycle with LED’s, yet not spend a fortune. Our Fusion systems eliminate time consuming wiring of LEDs and simply plug into a main control module that can create the wildest flash patterns. Fusion systems come in two models: single color or million color systems. Million color systems allow you to change colors with the press of a button.
Programmed Individual Colors: Red, Pink, Magenta, Fuchsia, Ghost-blue, Light Blue, Blue, Aqua Blue, Bluish-Green, Teal Green, Light Green, Lime Green, Lemon-Lime, Yellow, Yellow/Orange, Orange, Amber, Million Color, Seven Color.
1. Solid State: No Flashing. Available in all nineteen colors including full color spectrum and seven color changing patterns with adjustable color change speed
2. Basic Flash: LEDs flash on & off simultaneously. Available in all colors with adjustable flash speed
3. Breath Mode: LEDs gradually flash on and off; giving the impression your motorcycle is breathing. Available in the seven basic colors & seven color change pattern, with adjustable breath speed.
4. Scanning Mode 1: LED’s flash from back of bike toward the front repeatedly. Available in all colors with speed adjust.
5. Scanning Mode 2: LED’s flash from back of bike toward the front staying on till flash pattern done, repeatedly. Available in all colors with speed adjust.
6. Running Mode: LEDs flash on and then staying on while moving from back to front – front to back of bike. Available in all colors with speed adjust
7. Center-out Mode: LEDs flash from center of bike outward. Available in basic seven colors & seven color change pattern, with speed adjust.
8. Chase Mode 1: LEDs flash on from back to front – and flash off from front to back repeatedly. Available in all colors with speed adjust.
9. Chase Mode 2: LEDs flash on from back to front staying on – and flash off from front to back repeatedly. Available in all colors with speed adjust…
10. Scanning Mode 3: LED’s flash from front of bike toward the back staying on till flash pattern done, repeatedly. Available in all colors with speed adjust.
11. Scanning Mode 3: LED’s flash from front of bike toward the back fading out., repeatedly. Available in the seven basic colors & seven color change pattern, with adjustable breath speed.
12. Music Mode I: Flashes to bass of stereo or engine in front to back pattern. Available in all colors with sound sensitivity adjust.
13. Music Mode II: Flashes to bass of stereo or engine in center-out pattern.. Available in all colors with sound sensitivity adjust.
14. Music Mode III: Flashes to bass of stereo or engine in mode 2. Available in all colors with sound sensitivity adjust.
15. Patriotic Mode: Displays Red, White and Blue solid only.
16. Patriotic Chase Mode II: Red, White and Blue flash from front to back.
17. Patriotic Flash Mode III: Basic Flash in Red, White and Blue.
18. Patriotic Breath Mode IIII: Breath in Red, White and Blue